Tel’ Shira’s Obstacle Course

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…Continued from last month

Felite forest

Nervous I was not, as approach the obstacle course, I did.

Before me, some others had run. How many, I was not sure. After me, more would attempt. Matter, none of them did.

Concerned only with myself, I was. Beat the record, I was determined to. On my senses, I began to focus. Everything but the course, I blocked out.

“Begin,” the instructor commanded.

Off, I started quickly. With a sprint, I began, through the initial leg of the course. For about 300 meters, the initial path went.

Break a sweat, I did not. Only seconds, it took. Ahead, I looked, keeping in mind the end objective. Never before, had I seen an obstacle course such as that one.

Ahead, a large wall was. Stretching up at least seven meters, this shear wall did. Focusing in on the wall, for imperfections I looked.

Near the end of the straight path I was when see my likely course, I did. Scale the wall, I had to. Imperfections, fortunately there were.

Lunge, I did, pushing off the wall and propelling myself up. Focused on the chosen path, my eyes remained. Dug into the wood, my claws did. Pain, I felt.

Determined to be quick, hesitate I did not. In a blur, the wall passed. Closer to the top, each lunge brought me. Arrived at the top, I did.

Scanned ahead I did, spending a mere moment for my surroundings to take in.

Dangerous, the path ahead was. Injury, I would sustain if fail to succeed, I did. Thinking, I remember, that scared, this must have made others. Me, it did not phase.

Ahead, a relay of trees were. In an unnatural pattern, they were laid. If fall below, I did, hit jagged rocks, I would. A felite, the fall would not kill, but injure, it surely would.

With magic, this portion must have been made. This assessment I made, in a mere second. Without hesitation, forward I went.

Jump I did, aiming for the first tree branch. Swing around the branch, I did, scanning forward and to the next tree springing. Forward, I continued. Like a monkey, sail through the trees I did.

A minute, it must have taken, to complete this part. Ahead, flat land I saw. A trick, this most likely was. The last branch, I flipped around.

As I neared the landing, realized I did. Unstable, this next portion was. Traps, there had been laid. If step in the wrong place, through the ground I would fall.

Continuing on my trajectory, prepare I did…

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