Character Highlight: Yezurkstal

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Yezurkstal was born as the result of a twisted researcher’s heinous experiment. His mother was taken into the Jyrimoore mining tunnels and raped, but a cave-in injured her and killed the researcher. After giving birth to Yezurkstal, she discovered that he had amazing magical abilities. Thanks to these abilities, the baby Yezurkstal was able to survive with scarce food supplies that were available, but his mother was not, leaving Yezurkstal as an orphan at only three years old.

With his innate magical abilities, Yezurkstal found that as his mother died he absorbed many of her memories and understanding into his own mind, giving him extraordinary intelligence for a toddler. Having this newfound knowledge and understanding, he viewed the world as a terrible and oppressive place. Furthermore, this new knowledge gave him an understanding of his magical abilities, which he used to escape from the tunnels.

Upon making his escape, he started hunting small animals and made a life for himself in the cave. After a ten years of surviving off small animals and isolation, he felt he had reached an age where he could start to right the wrongs of the world. His initial quests took him to a variety of lizock, barghest and troll settlements. Each time he learned more about Evorath by absorbing memories and knowledge from his victims.

Once he encountered his first elvish settlement, he understood that the only way to make a difference would be to create a legacy of his own. With months of planning and preparation, he transformed the Jyrimoore tunnels to serve as an appropriate living space for a family. From there, he set his sights on Erathal.

Height: 6′ 3″

Weight: 214 lbs.

Hair: Jet Black, short.

Eyes: Voidlike Black

Body Type: Muscular and toned.

Features: Smooth, pale skin, sinister appearance.

Clothes: Black leather, black cloak.

Accessories: Adamantium bastard sword

Personality: Having such a unique and damaged past, Yezurkstal believes that Evorath is a horrible world that needs to be cleansed. He views independent thought as dangerous, and believes that it causes only pain and destruction. With his innate magic, he believes that he was born to right the wrongs of Evorath, and that it is his responsibility to perform this cleansing.

With a controlling and domineering personality, Yezurkstal does not care to listen to any opposition or to consider any alternatives than complete transformation. He believes that lives are only as valuable as their utility to serve his cause, which is the ultimate good for all of Evorath. Young and hot-headed, he believes that he is indestructible, and that nothing can stop his divine quest to create the perfect society of collaboration and obedience.


Hailed as the J.R.R. Tolkien of the 21st century, Joseph Macolino is the author of the Evorath series, providing good fantasy books to those looking for heart-pounding action in a magical world.

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